Isle of Wight College are supporting the Wightlink Isle of Wight Chess Congress by adding additional funds to the Under 16 prize pool (Applicable to players under 16 on Sunday 21st April).

The additional sponsorship allows for a £100 prize in the Open, £60 in the Championship and £40 in the Challenger section. We thank the college for their support and we can't wait to see the contest between some of the island's brilliant junior players and traveling visitors.
The winning U16 players will be determined by placing, by section, including tie breaks.
Here's the full list of prizes by section, determined by placing after tie breaks:
THE OPEN - Above 1800
1st Place £325 + Trophy
2nd Place £150
3rd Place £100
Best U16 £100 (Sponsored by Isle by Wight College)
1st Place £125 + Trophy
2nd Place £85
3rd Place £50
Best U16 £60 (Sponsored by Isle by Wight College)
CHALLENGER - Below 1400
1st Place £75 + Trophy
2nd Place £45
3rd Place £25
Best U16 £40 (Sponsored by Isle by Wight College)
Additional Prizes across all sections, based on performance rating:
Best IOW Player £150 (Sponsored by the Island Echo)
Best Women's Player £50
Best Isle of Wight over 65 £50
(Prizes based on performance rating)