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Sunday 16th June 2024

7 Round Open Swiss - ECF Rated

Ryde Rowing Club, Appley Lane, Ryde PO33 1ND Isle of Wight



ecf logo white isle of wight chess.png

​Time control

15 min + 10 seconds 


Playing room open from 9.30am

Sign in for R1 pairing by 9.45am


Game 1 - 10am

Game 2 - 11am

Game 3 - 12pm

Lunch Break 

Game 4 - 2pm

Game 5 - 3pm

Game 6 - 4pm

Game 7 - 5pm

Trophy Presentation - 6pm



1st Place £65 + Trophy

2nd Place £35

3rd Place £25


Best U16 £25

Best Woman £25

Best Over 65 £25

Players may take a 0.5 bye in any one round excluding the final round.


Players may withdraw or skip rounds for 0 points.


All sections will play according to

English Chess Federation Tournament Rules


  • Games do not need to be recorded with notation

  • x2 illegal moves will result in a loss.


Prize money will be split evenly according to points scored, two people tied in 1st + 2nd will split the prize pool for both and the next player or tied players will win 3rd place prize. Tiebreak will not be used. In the event of tie for 1st place, a 3+2 Blitz will be used to determine the trophy winner and cash prizes will be split.


Players are eligible to receive one cash prize only, this being the highest.

​Entry Fee £15

£25 for non ECF Silver or higher


Non ECF members of Silver of higher must pay £10 ECF charge, or demonstrate to organiser that they have taken out an ECF membership. If you paid the surcharge as a Bronze member at the congress, you do not need to pay it again here. If you paid it as a non member, unfortunately you need to pay it again, which is why it's a good idea to get a membership.


Tea and Coffee included + Water


Lunch: There is a café next to the venue serving sandwiches and refreshments. There is also a nice balcony in the venue so feel free to bring sandwiches etc.


Hotels: If staying over, any hotel in Ryde or Seaview will be fine, we recommend the Yelf's Hotel on Union street for the best prices. However please be aware that this is a 20 minute walk along the beach. 


Parking: Very limited free parking next to the venue. Paid parking is available along the seafront or in Puckpool Car Park.


A 20% Discount code is available on Wightlink Ferries for visiting players


Jan 2024 Ryde Rapid - Yelf's Hotel



Harry Vernon

1st Place - Ryde Rapid Jan 2024

Local player Harry won on tie break with 5/6 and a performance rating of 1985.


Harry will look to continue his dominance in local tournaments and bounce back from the recent IOW Congress.


Joel Lloyd

2nd Place - Ryde Rapid Jan 2024

2nd on tie break Joel also won 5/6 with a performance rating of 1904.


Boasting an impressive online Rapid rating and now taking on titled players in classical tournaments. Joel will be looking to secure his first silverware at and Isle of Wight tournament.


Clive Bowley

3rd Place - Ryde Rapid Jan 2024

Also Scoring 5/6 with a strong performace rating of 2000. Missing out on the win with a loss to Harry in the final round.


Clive will be looking to convert his recent victories in the IOW congress as best Island player and 1st place in the Championship.

Entries to date:

Final ratings based on 1st June 2024.

Ratings show ECF OTB Rapid, or if not avail the highest of any ECF or FIDE rating, in the case of non then Lichess is used.

June 16th 2024 Ryde Rapid
Capacity x32
Arbiter: Iwan Cave


  1. 1905 (ECF OTB Rapid), Francis Best, Shrewsbury

  2. 1854 (ECF OTB Rapid), David Collyer, Southampton University

  3. 1607 (ECF OTB Rapid), Richard Barnes, Isle of Wight

  4. 1396 (ECF OTB Rapid), Phillip Tarrant-EdwardsChandler's Ford

  5. 1348 (FIDE OTB Rapid), Rob Coles, Wiltshire

  6. 1247 (ECF OTB Rapid), Theo Horne, Chandler's Ford

  7. 1220P (ECF OTB Rapid), Grace Stevens, Isle of Wight

  8. 1458 (ECF OTB Standard), Phil Stevens, Isle of Wight

  9. 1403 (ECF OTB Standard), David Williams, Isle of Wight

  10. 1334 (ECF OTB Standard), David Lightfoot​, Isle of Wight (filler)

  11. 1800P (ECF OTB Standard), Om Gohel, Isle of Wight

  12. 1656P (ECF OTB Standard), Romain Jonneau, Isle of Wight

  13. 1585P (ECF OTB Standard), Harry Vernon, Isle of Wight

  14. 1554P (ECF OTB Standard), Neil Pither, Isle of Wight

  15. 1535P (ECF OTB Standard), Darren Cooke, Isle of Wight

  16. 1505P (ECF OTB Standard), Robeena Shepherd, Isle of Wight 

  17. 936P (ECF OTB Standard), Shaantanu Sawant-Roy, Isle of Wight

  18. Unrated, Michael Plowden-Roberts, Isle of Wight

  19. Unrated, Paul Smith, Isle of Wight

  20. Unrated, Thomas Leistrum, Isle of Wight

Event sponsor
Registration form:
The Wightlink Ryde Rapid
Players must have an ECF Membership of Silver or higher to play or there is an additional £10 charge which you can elect to pay now or get a membership.  If already Bronze this will upgrade you to Silver for the rest of your membership year.

If a non member an ECF profile will be created for you based on the information below.

Note to parents for players under the age of 16. You must remain in the playing venue at all times with your child. You must not interact with them during play.

Entry is on a first come first basis with strict capacity of x32. Refunds will not be given if cancelling within 1 week of the event. A £2.50 admin charge will be added to all refunds.

  • Under 16 Silver -  Free (for first year, then £6 per year)

  • Students Silver - Free (for first year, then £27 per year)

  • Adult Silver £27 per year (then you do not pay £9 for each event)

Select ticket type
  • DOB is not shared publicly. Used for ECF Membership and age related prizes

  • Only used for ECF membership purposes and prize eligibility.

Are you eligable for any of the below prizes on the day of the tournament?
Do you require a Round 1 Bye?

Terms and conditions​

  • By placing your order you agree that all information given regarding your membership is accurate to the best of your knowledge. If you do not have an active ECF membership of the required level stated for your entry, you will be charged an additional £10 prior to playing in round 4.

  • Entry fees are non refundable if cancelling within 1 week of the event but can be transferred to future events.

  • The information you share on this form will not be shared with any third party other than the English Chess Federation for the purposes of locating or setting up your player profile. Your name, club and rating will be the only visible information shared on this website. Your DOB and gender may be visible on the ECF and FIDE platforms.

  • We will not tolerate any of the following on the day of the event, bullying, sexism, sexual harassment, racism, cruel or unsporting behaviour to any player or member of staff. Any reports of such incidents will be investigated by the event team immediately and we reserve the right to eject players from the tournament without notice or refund. We will report cases as necessary to the ECF or the local police.

  • The tournament director reserves the right to move players between sections or merge sections if necessary before the start of play.

  • The tournament Director reserves the right to decline entries or remove participants pre or during the event.

  • On the day of the event, IOW Chess staff will be taking photographs and videos to promote future events, you consent to your image being used online and on social media. As a parent or guardian of a player under the age of 16, you consent to this also.

  • You agree not to post pictures online of any player under the age of 16 without their parents' written permission.

  • You agree to be subscribed to the mailing list (you can unsubscribe anytime).

Thanks for registering. Please check your junk folder for the confirmation email.  See you there!

Contact if you need any assistance with the form.
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