Friday April 19th to Sunday 21st
Registration now closed - EVENT SOLD OUT
5 Round Swiss - ECF Rated, FIDE Rated Open
The Ryde Castle Hotel, Esplanade, Ryde PO33 1JA Isle of Wight

THE OPEN - Above 1800 ECF/FIDE Rated, £38
1st Place £325 + Trophy
2nd Place £150
3rd Place £100
Best U16 £100
CHAMPIONSHIP - Below 1900 ECF Rated, £35
1st Place £125 + Trophy
2nd Place £85
3rd Place £50
Best U16 £60
CHALLENGER - Below 1400 ECF Rated, £32
1st Place £75 + Trophy
2nd Place £45
3rd Place £25
Best U16 £40
​Time control
90 min + 30 seconds
Introductions - Friday 19th April 4.45pm
Game 1 - Friday 19th April 5pm
Game 2 - Saturday 20th April 10am
Game 3 - Saturday 20th April 3pm
Blitz (optional) - Saturday 20th April 8pm
Game 4 - Sunday 21st April 10am
Game 5 - Sunday 21st April 3pm
GM Simul - Sunday 21st April 8pm
Additional Prizes:
Best IOW Player £150
Best Women's Player £50
Best Isle of Wight over 65 £50
(Prizes based on performance rating)
​Presentation and optional social drinks around 7pm on the Sunday. Followed by a simul with Keith Arkell.
All sections will play according to the FIDE laws of chess
Placing determined by tie break to provide a clear winner and ranking. In the unlikely event of there still being a tie for a first place section trophy, a 3+2 Blitz will determine the Trophy winner. Cash prizes will be split if still tied after tie break.
Default time 30 mins after scheduled start of play.
Players can receive more than one cash prize. Such as 1st and best Under 16.
A Chess Congress on the beach! And in a castle! Sun, chess, sea... Isle of Wight.
Join us this spring for the inaugural edition of the Isle of Wight Chess Congress. You will play in a historic castle hotel opposite Ryde beach. You can get here by foot, take the train to Portsmouth Harbour and catch the Fast Cat boat to arrive at the hotel in under 35 minutes. 20% discount is available on the ferry after booking your congress place.
Travel & Accommodation
Our sponsors Wightlink, have generously provided a discount on both foot and car ferry travel for the chess event. Please reply to your confirmation email to request this as the codes are unique per use.
Hotels: Ryde is a seaside destination with many local hotels and great rates out of season. The venue itself has a limited number of rooms. Our regular club venue The Yelf's Hotel is a short walk away (10 min walk) and has great room rates from around £70 per night incl breakfast 01983 564062.
The playing venue The Ryde Castle Hotel is now sold out.
The Royal Esplanade Hotel (2 min walk) is just along the seafront from the playing venue 01983 562549:
​Single room £96.00 per night incl breakfast
Classic double / twin room based on 2 people sharing £113.00 per night
/ £105.00 for sole occupancy per night incl breakfast
Foot Passengers: Use the FastCat (22 mins) - From Portsmouth to Ryde. The Ferry Terminal is located within Portsmouth Harbour Train Station. You will arrive on Ryde Pier, a train usually departs approx. 5 mins later which will take you to the end of the pier. Alternatively, weather and luggage depending this is a fantastic 10 min walk down the pier. The venue is then a two minute walk away on your left/east. You can also book a local cab by using the taxi phone in the Portsmouth terminal. Ferry's depart just after the hour at either 15 or 20 past. Try to arrive around the hour mark by train to avoid waiting around. Ferry time table.
Car travel: A similar discount is available for car travel or foot passengers on the car ferry (45 mins). This travels from Portsmouth (different departure terminal) to Fishbourne, which is a 10 minute drive from the venue.
Private Boat/ Sail Boat: For the more nautically inclined, Ryde Marina is opposite the playing venue and has reasonable mooring rates: 01983 613879.

GM Keith Arkell
2371 FIDE - Playing in The Open
Winner of the 2021 Online British Chess Championship. Keith also won the English Chess Championship in 2008. In 2014 he was European Senior (50+) Champion, and, later in the year, tied for first in the World Senior (50+) Championship, receiving a the silver medal on tie-break. It's an honour to have such an experienced and resepected player join us.

IM Harry Grieve
2470 FIDE - Playing in The Open
Winner of the 2022 British Chess Championship. Achieving FM title in 2018 and IM in 2022. The 23 year old is one of the rising stars in British Chess. We are honoured to have him on the island.
Entries to date:
Final ratings based on April 1st 2024.
You may not play in a section below the highest of your FIDE, ECF or equivalent international rating. You may be moved up a section should your rating increase out of the bracket and you will need the applicable ECF membership level as below.
Ratings show highest of ECF/FIDE.
The Open
Ratings above 1800
Capacity x24

2515 (ECF), IM Harry Grieve, RGS Guildford
2435 (ECF), GM Keith Arkell, Cheddleton
2374 (ECF), FM Roland Bezuidenhout, Fareham
2295 (FIDE), FM Neil Dickenson, Isle of Wight
2206 (ECF), Kushal Jakhria, Charlton
2183 (ECF), Jan Murawski, Oxfordshire
2162 (FIDE), FM John Readey, United States
2143 (ECF), Jai Kothari, Hampton School
2108 (ECF), Vinuda Gunathilake, Chichester
2075 (ECF), Sebastien Chua, Malaysia
2025 (ECF), WIM Natasha Regan, Barbican
2011 (ECF), John Wrench, Kidderminster
2011 (ECF), Shambavi Hariharan, Oxford City
1970 (FIDE), Sanjit S Kumar, Richmond
1947 (FIDE), WFM Marigje Degrande, Belgium
1926 (ECF), Adam Sefton, Guildford
1925 (ECF), Francis Best, Shrewsbury
1922 (ECF), Zac Welling, Guildford
1921 (ECF), Raymond Wynarczyk, Northumberland
1905 (ECF), David Collyer, Southampton University
1886 (FIDE), Hao Ran Leung, Hong Kong
1830 (FIDE), Andrew Tan, Oxford University
1817 (FIDE), Sai Vigneash SM, MMCA
1772P (ECF), Joel Lloyd, Isle of Wight
(Players rated Under 1800 in both FIDE & ECF on 1st April 2024 may be moved to the Championship & refunded £3, depending on overall entries and space)
Ratings below 1900
Capacity x26

1837 (ECF), Richard Edney, Isle of Wight
1825 (FIDE), John Baguley, St Albans
1748 (ECF), Samuel Morris, Ireland
1714 (ECF), Anthony Stanton, Brighton & Hove
1694 (FIDE), Susan Chadwick, Brighton & Hove
1645 (ECF), Cecil Sloan, Greater London
1618 (FIDE), Arnob Dutta, London NW
1549 (FIDE), Aiden Burnside, E Grinstead Bookshop
1541 (ECF), Peter Eales, Chandler's Ford
1500 (FIDE), Rob Coles, Wiltshire
1492 (FIDE), Keith Hylands, GLCC
1481 (ECF), Theo Horne, Chandler's Ford
1474 (FIDE), Diah Patel, Warickshire
1472 (ECF), Charles Charalambous, Isle of Wight
1452 (ECF), Phil Stevens, Isle of Wight
1397 (ECF), David Williams, Isle of Wight
1656P (ECF) Clive Bowley, Isle of Wight
1625P (ECF), Jame Sutherland, New England
1610P (ECF), Kevin Flux, Isle of Wight
1607 Rapid (ECF), Richard Barnes, Isle of Wight
1563P Rapid (ECF), Ryan Scott, Southampton
Not rated, Harry Vernon, Isle of Wight
Not rated, Neil Pither, Isle of Wight
Not rated, Donna Chant, Freshwater
Not rated, Vassos Georgiou, Isle of Wight
Not rated, Michael Gidley, Isle of Wight
Ratings below 1400
Capacity x22

1362 (ECF), Gregory Kornilovich, Coventry Ac
1351 (ECF), Keven Lamb, Chandler's Ford
1201 (ECF), Richard Kulibaev, Sevenoaks
1774P (ECF), Dave Walker, Isle of Wight
1364P (ECF), Sebastian Redenz, Metropolitan
888P (ECF), Shaantanu Sawant-Roy, Isle of Wight
1220P Rapid (ECF), Grace Stevens, Isle of Wight
​Not rated, Carl Sheeran, Isle of Wight
Not rated, Kelly Sloan-Murphy, Isle of Wight
Not rated, Darren Cooke, Isle of Wight
Not rated, Romain Jonneau, Isle of Wight
Not rated, Robbie Shields, Isle of Wight
Not rated, Logan, Wareham, Isle of Wight
Not rated. Om Gohel, Isle of Wight
Not rated. Andy Buckman, Isle of Wight
Not rated, Erfaan Sharif, Isle of Wight
Not rated, Robeena Shepherd, Isle of Wight
Not rated, Ken Watson, Isle of Wight
Not rated, John Oglander, Isle of Wight
Not rated, Alexander Short, Isle of Wight
Not rated, Harry Holland, Isle of Wight
Not rated, Andy Luo, Isle of Wight
(Players rated over 1400 in either FIDE or ECF, including in OTB Rapid or Blitz, on 1st April 2024 will be moved to the Championship)

FIDE Rated Blitz
Saturday 20th April, 8pm

Register by 7pm on the day
Players not in the room at 7.45pm will not be paired for R1
(Start may delay to 9pm if any R3 games still playing)
Entry £10 / FREE for titled players
Prize pool is 50% of entries
Based on x30 players (may be more or less):